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Marywood responds to Typhoon Haiyan victims



Typhoon Haiyan hits close to home for some Marywood University students, and they are responding by reaching out to the millions of victims through clothing and monetary donations.

Freshman Biology major, Kaethe Fajardo, had the idea to start a clothing and toiletries donation drive for the victims.

The Philippine government said that 9.8 million people have been affected by the storm. The aftermath of the storm is something that greatly affects Fajardo as she moved to the United States from the Philippines in 2002, leaving behind a majority of her loved ones. Fajardo’s mother’s side of the family is from the City of Tacloban, the area of the Philippines where the brunt of the Typhoon hit.

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Fajardo has not had any contact with the family she has remaining in the Philippines.

“The only way that we knew that my family was alright was because my parents saw my mom’s aunt and stepmom on the news,” she said. Fajardo later learned that her mom’s aunt and stepmom had lost their house to the typhoon.

According to Fajardo, they were able to collect 188 toiletries, 104 t-shirts, 28 pairs of shoes and 35 towels. The donations were sent to the Red Cross in the Philippines on Nov. 23.

Freshman Speech Pathology major, Kayla Murphy, also decided to help out the victims organizing a monetary collection. That drive began Friday, Nov. 15.

“We were only sitting at the table for two hours on Friday and we raised $238.13,” said Murphy. Donations are being accepted until the week of finals.

Murphy did research on how much money they would need to raise to make a difference in the Philippines.

“I read on The Washington Post, the Catholic Relief Services, and Habitat For Humanity, that $350 in our money exchanges to 15,000 Philippine pesos. That is enough money to rebuild a house,”said Murphy.

Murphy collaborated with Campus Ministry to get the drive started. The money raised from the drive will be put into an account through Campus Ministry, and the money will go to Catholic Relief Services. The money will then be distributed to those in need in the Philippines.

Ann O’Brien, assistant director for service learning and service at Marywood University, said that she is encouraging students to make monetary donations.

“It’s the fastest way to get the resources they need,” she said.

According to Murphy, the money will be used to purchase kits to rebuild houses and to assist with water purification.

Students that would like to make a monetary donation can do so during dinner outside of the Main Dining Hall on the lower level of the Nazareth Student Center or directly on the Catholic Relief Services website until the week of finals.

According to Murphy, they were able to collect more than $1,000 in donations.

“It is absolutely amazing. It goes to show that when others are in need, the Marywood community truly comes together to do what they can,” said Murphy.

To make a donation or learn more about ways to help, contact Ann O’Brien at 570-961-4593 or [email protected].


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