Chelsea Clinton campaigns for Hillary in downtown Scranton

Kyle Clouse, Rachel Looker, and The Wood Word

Photo credit/ Alex Weidner

Rachel Looker, Editor-in-Chief

Chelsea Clinton visited downtown Scranton on Thursday, Sept. 8 to campaign for her mother, Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

According to a Clinton campaign aide, this was one of Chelsea’s first public campaign events since the Democratic National Convention.

Around 100 people showed up at the Washington Avenue campaign office to see the presidential candidate’s daughter.

As protesters held signs in support of Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump across the street from the campaign office, Leshawn West, a volunteer for Clinton’s campaign, introduced Chelsea.

West discussed the constant changes in Trump’s policies and said his policies scare her.

“Intolerance should never have a place in our society, especially with our lawmakers,” said West on Trump’s behavior.

Clinton then began her speech by thanking volunteers for helping with her mother’s campaign.

 During her speech, Clinton talked about her mother’s work to strengthen the public education system and emphasized the importance of providing quality education to children.

“Every child can live up to their God-given potential,” said Chelsea Clinton, referring to the importance of public education.

She commented on her mother’s opponent in the election and said she didn’t think she’d see a “normalization of hate speech,” referring to Trump’s controversial and derogatory remarks made throughout the election season.

“We have heard a lot of hate speech from the other side,” said Chelsea Clinton.

She ended her speech by encouraging all to register to vote for the election on Nov. 8 and thanking all volunteers for working for her mother’s campaign.

“All of it’s at risk this election,” said Chelsea Clinton. “Do all you can between now and Nov. 8.”

After her speech, Chelsea Clinton addressed the press.

When asked why Scranton plays an important role in the election this year, Chelsea Clinton said her family has ties to the area.

“I was raised to believe that every vote matters and so although you’ll probably see a lot of my family here in Pennsylvania, and probably here in Scranton and the area, I’m just going to talk to as many people as I can … about what’s at stake in this election,” said Chelsea Clinton.

Clinton said it is her mother’s goal to continue to further the progress President Obama has made during his two terms in office.

She added that she hopes people do not get distracted by the “vitriol and bigoted speech” that has been used throughout this election by Trump.

Clinton said she hopes voters can “really focus on what my mom has talked about in terms of getting back to a place of love and kindness in our country and getting back to a place of supporting each other, of being part of the same community, so that we certainly feel as if we are building a future together.”

Chelsea Clinton emphasized the work that needs to be done between now and Oct. 11, which is the voter registration deadline in Pennsylvania.

Attendee Linda Munly of Archbald said she is leaning toward voting for Hillary Clinton.

“I believe she would do a lot better than Trump,” said Munly.

Grace McGregor Kramer, a Scranton delegate, said Hillary Clinton’s candidacy is monumental because not only will Clinton be the first woman president, she will be the first mother as president.

“I think the issues that are pressing for mothers and young children are some of the hardest in our society,” said Kramer.

Kramer said she thinks Chelsea Clinton, as a young working mother, is the best person to relay this message.

“She’s preaching from her own experience,” said Kramer.

Not everyone who attended the campaign event was a supporter of Hillary Clinton.

Trump Protester Robert Kuniegel said he is worried about the country.

“Hillary is the most corrupt person who has every run for the presidency in the history of the United States,” said Kuniegel.

Kuniegel is “without a doubt” voting for Trump.

“He’s not afraid to tell his position,” said Kuniegel. “He’s nothing that the media is trying to brand him [as].”

Ali Sidiki and Alex Weidner contributed to this article.

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