Search for Vice-President of Student Services to commence

Photo credit/ Sabrina Resuta

Sr. Elizabeth McGill, the assistant vice-president of student services will be transitioning to the Sisters of St. Joseph at the start of spring break.

In a memo sent to university staff and faculty on Tuesday, Jan. 17, Sr. Mary Persico, E.d, I.H.M. announced Sr. Elizabeth McGill will be leaving her position at the start of Marywood’s 2023 Spring Break and transitioning to join the sisters at Saint Joseph in Chestnut Hill, PA.

“Sister Liz will continue her work here full time until spring break […] I am committed to having a Vice-President for Student Services as well as a Vice-President for Enrollment Management and therefore will commence a search for Sister Liz’s successor, a Vice-President for Student Services, in a timely manner,” said Persico in her memo.

A 2006 Marywood graduate with a Bachelor of Arts in secondary education, McGill has served the Marywood community in areas including but not limited to coaching staff and faculty before stepping into her current position as Assistant Vice-President of Student Services.

McGill was taught by the sisters of St. Joseph during her childhood in New York and influenced by the I.H.M. sisters as an undergraduate and graduate student. She was drawn to the I.H.M. sisters because of their social justice causes and the work they do for the greater good of the Scranton community.

“This call I had to religious life was a slow nudge since a very young age,” said McGill.

As explained by the memo and McGill, she will undergo a process called a canonical year, a time of prayer and discernment, during her transition. During this time, she hopes to further deepen her religious relationships.

“I’m approaching it [this process] as how we never do things twice in life. We never get the same exact second chance. I’m approaching the canonical year as a time to deepen my relationship with the Sisters of St. Joseph, with God, and to deepen in their spirit and charism,” explained McGill.

McGill stated that she will miss Marywood, most notably the students, the overall community, and her coworkers.

“I’m here to serve the Marywood community, and, at the heart of the community, are the students. The students really bring energy, perspective, and life to the campus. I will most miss my interactions with them,” said McGill.

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