Baseball team hosts “Pitches In” clinic

Photo credit/ Photo credit Katlynn Whitaker

Sophomore Athletic Training major and first baseman Matt Staback tosses the ball to 6th grader AJ Keller at the “Pitches In” baseball clinic.

Evan Felser, Sports Editor

On Feb. 15, the baseball team hosted its second annual “Pitches In” clinic at the Insalaco Arena in the Center for Athletics and Wellness.

During the four-hour clinic, baseball team members led a group of young people from eight to 16 year olds in drills while offering advice on pitching, hitting, and fielding.

The cost to participate was $25, with an additional $10 for a T-shirt. The proceeds went to the Make-A-Wish Foundation.

The foundation helps grant a child, with a life-threatening illness, his or her wish to come true nationwide, such as taking Disneyland trips, meeting real ballerinas, and making a music video, according to the charity’s web site.

Pitcher Joe Hunt, a sophomore accounting major who coordinated the clinic, said he was happy with the turnout.

Hunt explained that he wanted to keep the Make-A-Wish Foundation mission going, which is why he started the event. He said “Make-a-Wish” stories on ESPN also motivated him.

The clinic helps the kids participating get ready for the upcoming baseball season.

“Some of these kids haven’t brought out their gloves all winter. So now they are getting their gloves out, and they’re getting to work with our players. They are learning new techniques and some skills from our players,” said Hunt.

Jerry Davis, Marywood’s head baseball coach, said the clinic is a good uplifting event because the baseball players know that it’s for a great cause.

“You have to feel good about yourself after you host an event like this. This is something that is near and dear to Joe Hunt’s heart. He puts a lot of time and effort into this, and for the second year in a row it has been a success,” said Davis.

The “Pitches In” clinic raised a total of $875 according to Hunt. That total only included the income from registration fees.

Hunt believes that the future for the clinic is very bright, and he wants to continue overseeing this event the remaining two years he’ll be at Marywood.

“I’m hoping to groom some underclassman to keep it going, I love to always have a hand in it, but obviously when I’m gone someone else needs to run it. But I have a lot of teammates who love to do this, so I have no doubt that it will continue after I’m gone,” Hunt said.

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