Haley’s Heath Tips: Keeping the pounds off during winter


Photo credit/ Kelsey Van Horn

Haler Colarusso, Staff Writer

The holidays are just around the corner. Winter is gradually working its way back into our lives and we have a whole break ahead of us. Winter may seem like a magical time of year; however, according to webmd.com, the average person gains 5-7 pounds during the winter and the holidays. The winter and holidays are used as justifications to forget your diet and workout plans. I even have to remind myself to stay on track. Here are some helpful health tips to keep that weight on Santa Claus only.

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays because of the food. The average calorie intake on Thanksgiving is nearly 4,500 calories according to caloriecontrol.org, which is like eating three days’ worth of food in just one meal. To avoid this, you need to pick between the stuffing, mashed potatoes and desserts. I know that’s the worst decision ever, but, carbs, on top of fat, on top of more carbs, on top of more fat is not good.

Christmas. Yes it is almost Christmas time. According to abcnews.com, the average person eats 6,000 calories on Christmas day and that’s not including dessert. One chocolate chip cookie is 78 calories. That might not seem like a lot, but who eats just one cookie? Let’s not forget the 400 calories in cheesecake or the 320 calories in pumpkin pie. It’s Christmas, it is okay to have some dessert; however, two cookies is enough and one piece of pie will suffice.

According to webcenters.net, New Year’s Eve is the holiday when the most alcohol is consumed. Alcohol makes you gain weight like crazy. It’s tempting to down mixed drinks all night; however, if you’re going to drink, stick to some merlot or cabernet. Red wine is actually pretty good for you in moderation.

The Super Bowl. Yes, people do tend to gain weight drinking beer and eating nachos. Watching the Super Bowl automatically means a ton of terrible greasy, fatty foods, and beer to drink all night. Skip the chips and dip and find some pretzels to munch on. Bring a vegetable tray instead of snacks and try not to eat a lot of red meats. Avoid eating like a linebacker on game day.

I know winter is dreadfully cold and you don’t want to get out of your warm bed, but spring is less than a few months away. During winter months, eat light portions, drink tons of water and join a gym. Yep, that’s right, join a gym. There will be no more, “I’m just going to go for a run today,” since it is three degrees out. The gym is the best way to keep off those winter pounds.

I know the winter is a time for hot chocolate and comfort foods, but always keep in mind your goals. Anyone can reach their own personal goals if they just stick to it. Choose your carbs wisely. Choose your desserts carefully. Always pick red wine. And finally, join a gym.

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