Working out can work out… if you follow the rules


Photo credit/ Briana Ryan

The fitness center has created rules and regulations to keep visitors safe will using the facilities.

Max Burke, Contributor

Due to the ongoing global pandemic that has shut down gyms worldwide, people have been attempting to create workout routines they can do at their own homes. The faculty and staff at Marywood’s Fitness Center has been aware of these gym restrictions since March, and have devised a plan that would allow members of the Marywood community to work out, have fun and most importantly, stay safe.
Leading up to the return to campus, it was unclear if the gym and pool would be available for use this semester. Both facilities are now open with those who work in the Center for Athletics and Wellness making sure everyone remains healthy.
Assistant Director of Athletics and Recreation for Internal Operations Nicole Malloy was one of the people tasked with creating rules and regulations for the Fitness Center. Malloy has been sending out various emails about how the new rules and scheduling will work for the semester.
“Masks are very much mandatory. There will be no group workouts; only 20 people are allowed in the gym at once and online sign ups are available for one-hour time slots,” she said.
Malloy explained the online signups and 20-person capacity would be very helpful for contact tracing in case anyone who visited became sick.
Fitness Center and Conditioning Supervisor Jon Knowles has also been an integral piece of the puzzle when it comes to keeping the gym up and running.
Knowles credited industry best practices and standards, along with peer discussions with playing a leading role in creating the rules and regulations for the Fitness Center. Knowles said he has been very happy to see that there has been a great deal of cooperation with the rules.
“I’ve been very pleased that there have been no issues about too many people in the gym and everyone is wearing masks,” Knowles said. “As long as we attack this day by day and work through this as a team, we will get through this.”
Aquatics Director Zack Haney has also been very busy this semester, trying to make sure that the pool stays clean and safe for use.
Haney said the pool staff has been focused on social distancing by keeping one person per lane. According to Haney visitors have been following the rules.
“People have been here daily and everyone seems happy to be here,” said Haney.
Knowles, Malloy and Haney all said they hope that cooperating with the rules and maintaining social distancing will help make both the Fitness Center and campus a safe place.

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