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Marywood hosted performance of ‘Tres Vidas’

Courtesy: Marywood Communications and Marketing Department

Marywood hosted a performance of “Tres Vidas” by Core Ensemble on March 20 in the Sette LaVerghetta Center for Performing Arts.

The work focused on three Latin American women and their impact on the world. Core Ensemble actress Rosa Rodriguez performed as painter Frida Kahlo, poet Alfonsina Storni and activist Rufina Amaya. Three musicians accompanied her as she explored the lives of the icons.

Core Ensemble, the organization that put on the show, is a traveling theater troupe that performs chamber theater works. They previously performed at Marywood in 2015 for Women’s History Month.

The event was sponsored in part by the College of Arts and Sciences and the Dean’s Cultural Fund for the Humanities Grant as well as the women studies and justice and peace studies programs. It took place during both Creativity Month and Women’s History Month.

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Melinda Krokus, assistant professor of religious studies and one of the key organizers of the event, said that this performance was a perfect way to celebrate Women’s History Month.

“I think you’ll get a deep sense of the strength of Latina women and what they’ve faced. The struggles these women went through and the impact they made is emotional to watch,” Krokus explained.

Krokus said the women chosen for the performance highlight the trials experienced by Latin American women, especially Alfonsina Storni’s part in the show.

“Alfonsina Storni’s segment is quite emotional. She watched the murder of her husband and children and her village,” Krokus added.

Each of the women had a segment focused on them within the show, featuring new music written by Core Ensemble as well as traditional folk songs from Argentina, Mexico and El Salvador.

According to Krokus, the show appealed to Marywood students across the board.

“Everybody should have an interest in it, it’s very interdisciplinary from the music to the theater to art, history, language… It applies to everyone,” said Krokus.

She also added that the performance could reach the greater Scranton area.

“Bringing the strength of Latina women to the local community’s consciousness is important. We have a large and growing Latina community here in Scranton and we hope this show can attract them to come see their heritage,” Krokus said.

Krokus also highlighted the bilingual aspect of the performance.

“The performance has a significant amount of Spanish in it. To have a performance that has their language brought out as a positive and not a negative is very important,” she said.

According to Krokus, one of the goals of the performance was to attract the Spanish-speaking community to Marywood’s campus and start a dialogue between the two communities.

“We’re sometimes distant and I think this can help them see what we have here at the university. It also allows for native Scrantonians to get an insight into this community,” she explained.

Krokus said she hopes the show creates bonds between the two communities.

“Everyone’s a little nervous to enter into a conversation but music and people’s human stories can be that bridge. I hope the show does all of those things,” she said.

Contact the Writer: [email protected]

Twitter: @DWrightTWW

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