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OPINION: SAC’s Drag Show matches Catholic Values

Credit to Student Activities Crew.

Catholicism and drag don’t exactly go hand in hand. Yet the Student Activities Crew is hosting a drag show on Marywood’s campus.

The event is open to Marywood students on April 19 in the Latour Room. Any Marywood student could sign up to win the $300 first-place prize. The event is hosted by two drag queens from Philadelphia, Bev and Zsa Zsa St. James.

Drag started as a common practice in Japanese theater as all roles were filled by men. When it came into Western culture, it was used in sermons to help dramatize points to the audience. As time went on, it became a feature in musical acts and club performers, but by the mid-1900s, it became heavily associated with the LGBT community.

Especially in San Francisco, drag was done under the nose of the law, as public gay bars were often targets of police raids. This resulted in many LGBT protests led by drag queens throughout America.

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As time progressed, so did the people and their views, and drag became more mainstream. It started becoming a feature in regular clubs and popping up in more films and television shows, most notably “RuPaul’s Drag Race.”

Drag is integral to the history of LGBT people, as it was their entertainment before they were as accepted as they are now. For Marywood to host a drag show is Marywood showing acceptance of the LGBT population on campus. This falls in place with Marywood’s core values.

From day one, Marywood students are taught that the university stands by their Catholic roots by accepting everyone at the school, no matter who they are. It’s a matter of the “big C” and “little c.”

The “big C” Catholic follows Catholicism to the core, by going to church, taking the Eucharist, consistently praying and everything else that comes with the religion Those following the “little c” Catholic may not even be Catholic. They may be Jewish or Muslim or Agnostic, but they still follow the main values of Catholicism. They are kind to everyone, they focus more on relationships than material goods, they are forgiving and they give to those in need.

These are the aspects that Marywood expects all students to follow, regardless if they are “big C” Catholic or not.

But Marywood has to show these values, too. SAC has offered events in the past to acknowledge the diverse ethnicities present on Marywood’s campus, so it makes sense that they want to honor the diverse LGBT community on campus as well.

Even Pope Francis is encouraging acceptance of LGBT individuals within the Catholic community. He includes those who are LGBT in his prayer sessions, and even said that he doesn’t mind if gay men are priests. If the leader of the Catholic church is tolerant and accepting of gay people, why shouldn’t Catholics on Marywood’s campus?

A drag show celebrates a proud history of LGBT culture. By hosting one, SAC is showing they are proud of the LGBT community on campus and want to give them a chance to shine. Not only is this an inclusive event for the Marywood community, but it shows that we are true Catholics who are willing to accept anyone.

Contact the writer: [email protected]

Twitter: @BethanyWadeTWW

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