Faculty Senate have “normal” Meeting

Ali Sidiki and Nicholas Tighe

Marywood University’s Faculty Senate had a “normal” meeting that did not address any serious issues, according to Dr. John Depoe, Associate Professor of Philosophy.

The Faculy Senate met in the Comerford Theater in the Center for Natural and Health Sciences on Oct. 7 , and DePoe said that he was happy that it was a regular senate meeting.

“It was actually nice to have a normal senate meeting and not one that was an emergency meeting to address some sort of a serious crisis,” said DePoe. “It was almost boring, so that’s a good thing.”

Dr. David Palmiter, Faculty Senate president and professor of psychology and counseling, said that the meeting was “very good” and a “wide range” of things was discussed in detail.

“We got an update from our interim provost about events coming up, like the inauguration and some more information about the searches,” Palmiter said.

He added that the meeting updated the faculty about developments made with the Strategic Resource Allocation (SRA) process, since the last meeting on Sept.16. The meeting had individual committee reports from the bylaws committee, scholarship policy committee, and the budget committee.

“At the end, we were just talking about morale issues and how to support each other and find more energy,” Palmiter said.

Sr. Mary Ann Zimmer, N.D., Ph.D, chair of the religious studies department, said the Faculty Senate members discussed how much they enjoy having Sr. Mary, IHM, Ed. D as president of the university and how “willing she is to listen to people.”

She stressed that the meeting was not “controversial,” and said that it was good when “everyone got together.”

“The faculty are so active, so positive and so involved,” Sr. Mary Ann said.

Palmiter said that the meeting concluded with a “faculty focus” and said the committee honored Dr. Edward J. O’Brien, Psy. D., director of clinical training. Palmiter said that O’Brien was honored for his dedication and for delaying going on a sabbatical.

The next Faculty Senate meeting is scheduled for October 21 at 3p.m. in the Comerford Theater.

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