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Mayle leaves Halloween legacy at Marywood


Senior Communication Arts major Brielle Mayle is leaving behind a housing legacy at Marywood University.

Mayle is a Resident Advisor for Immaculata Hall and hosted the “Immac Asylum” last year. “Immac Asylum” was a haunted house inside of the residence hall. After the success of the first Asylum, Mayle decided to do it again this year, but bigger.

“Immac Asylum II” is being held on south campus on October 30, behind St. Joseph’s Center. Even though the event isn’t being held at Immac, Mayle is calling it “Immac Asylum II,” in order to give it a recognizable name.

Mayle started planning the event in June of this year. “I was here over the summer as a summer RA and I just came up with this crazy idea because last year the program was so successful,” Mayle explained. She said didn’t want just a repeat program using the same building as last year; she wanted to move it down to south campus.

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Mayle sought approval from Chief of Campus Safety, Mike Finegan and Vice President for Business Affairs, Joseph X Garvey, who were both on board with the idea. She also sought approval from Housing.

The asylum was approved in August and planning has been going on since. The idea for Asylum came to Mayle after wanting to do something different for a housing program. Housing programs are events that RAs are in charge of coordinating, which usually consist of things like movie nights or maybe costume parties around Halloween. “I wanted to go a little big for my senior year,” Mayle said.

The decision to “go big” is pleasing news to students who attended the Asylum last year. Sophomore Business major, Ellen Clauss, is helping out this year after going to last year’s event. “From the moment I went through the Immac Asylum last year, I have looked forward to the opportunity to participate as an actor this year. The Asylum was both thrilling, terrifying, and is certain to have a tenfold horrifying factor at the South Campus this year,” Clauss said.

The Asylum is open to both Marywood students and faculty. There will be a charge this year for the event, making it a community service project as well. The cost is $3 a tour or $5 for both tours. The money raised will go toward a Marywood fund to benefit students, faculty, and the campus. The Asylum involves two tours of south campus as a haunted house. “[South campus] is so large, there are two different tours, and two different stories,” Mayle explained.

When students enter, they will be given a background for each story tour and will then begin the walk through. Each tour guide will have around five students and be trained to control and keep track of the students.

That night, campus safety officers will be on the South Campus. Inside the building for the tours, students will have to sign a waiver saying they will not wander into restricted areas or be a disturbance, or they will be kicked out. Students who drive will be allowed to park at South Campus that night as well.

RAs and residents, as well as other students, are helping with the Asylum. Resident Director Jamel Smiley has been helping Mayle throughout the process.

“My role has been as her RD, to help advise her when she needs assistance,” Smiley explained. Mayle brought the idea to Smiley in the summer and he was on board with it and became involved. As an RD, Smiley’s explained his role is to help Mayle in whatever way he can.

For next year, Smiley hopes students continue with the asylum.

“I think that Immac Asylum is something that should continue to be a Marywood tradition,” Smiley said. He said he hopes in future years, this can be opened up to the community.

“It could be something that Marywood provides for the community,” Smiley said.


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