“Wear a Hijab Day” to take place in mid-November


Photo credit/ Amanda Duncklee

Salma Ahmed and Mike Carone, co-facilitators of the event, talk in the Learning Commons.

Amanda Duncklee, Community Editor

“The purpose of the event is to show unity… to show support for girls who wear hijabs; it’s not like you’re converting to Islam. You’re wearing it in solidarity,”said Salma Ahmed, a junior nutrition and dietetics major who is one of the two students responsible for organizing Marywood’s upcoming “Wear a Hijab Day.”

“Wear a Hijab Day” is a Marywood event that will take place on on Nov. 15. An informational meeting will take place in the Swartz Center for Spiritual Life at 5 p.m. on Nov. 13 in Room B for those interested in participating. The meeting will cover the importance of the hijab in Islam as well as teach those who are unfamiliar with hijabs how to wear one.

Ahmed and Mike Carone, a freshman social work major, have been working together since August to plan this event.

The two are co-leaders for Better Together, an extension of Campus Ministry that is “focused on intercultural faith” and is hosting the event, according to Carone.

Ahmed said the idea for “Wear a Hijab Day” originated in one of her religious studies classes last semester. Jovanna Laurencin, a senior hospitality management major and president of Diversity United, mentioned to Ahmed that members of the club were interested in the idea of wearing the hijab for a day.

Ahmed decided students’ interest in wearing a hijab warranted an official event and contacted Sr. Cathy Luxner, IMH, director of the Swartz Center for Spiritual Life, to discuss plans for the event.

Ahmed and Carone expressed enthusiasm about “Wear a Hijab Day” but noted responses from the community have been mixed.

“From the start, we have a fair number of people interested,” said Carone. Conversely, Ahmed noted that there have been comments on the event’s Facebook page that express discontent over the event, but said she does not allow negativity to impede her.

“I shouldn’t be ashamed of my faith,” said Ahmed, who wears a hijab daily. “It’s not about oppression. Women who wear it– it’s often for themselves.”

Despite any negativity people may show, Carone said he feels people shouldn’t be afraid to participate in “Wear a Hijab Day.”

“I think there’s a lot of context in why we’re doing this. It’s not for fun or making fun- it’s for education,” said Carone.

According to Ahmed, the Student Activities Crew (SAC) has allocated funds for scarves for the event. Women who wish to participate can use scarves provided or use their own. All women from any religious denomination or lack thereof are invited to participate.

There will be a table set up in the Rotunda from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Nov. 15 for people who missed the informational meeting to learn about the event. From 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. on the same day, there is an International Dinner in Upper Main Nazareth Hall where participants are invited and encouraged to share their experiences of wearing a hijab for the day.

Those who are interested in the event can reach out to the Wear a Hijab Day Facebook group for more information.

Contact the writer: [email protected]