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OPINION: Nassar sentencing, was it enough?


On Jan. 24, U.S. Olympic team doctor Larry Nassar was sentenced to 40 to 175 years in prison for sexual misconduct, on top of his 2016 child pornography charges.

For decades, Nassar humiliated, molested and abused underage girls and women in his care. He maliciously planned and imagined how he could get his fix through perverted means masquerading as legitimate medical treatments.

While those young girls had no idea what was happening, he was finding his pleasure by drowning out their discomfort with phony explanations as to why he was violating them.

After listening to the victims’ moving statements, Judge Rosemarie Aquilina gave Nassar an appropriate punishment that may not exactly fit his crime, but give him a world of isolation.

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Aquilina identified with these brave young women, calling them “sister survivors,” and carefully comforting them while they recalled the violation they endured.

This isn’t the first time Aquilina stood up for what is right. Aquilina is known for being a straight shooter in order to make wrongs right. For most, this is what fueled the fire behind the unforgettable quote “I’ve just signed your death warrant” to Nassar.

This sentencing was an appropriate and just punishment that could be given to someone this despicable. Or was it?

For some people, this sentencing was not enough. For a man named Randall Margraves, a physical confrontation was needed.

Margraves, father of Lauren Margraves, was given the stand to speak after his daughter, who was one of Nassar’s victims.

Margraves asked Aquilina for five minutes with Nassar in a locked room, showcasing his emotional distress. When denied, Margraves lunged toward Nassar and was pinned down by court security.

This anger is something most of us can’t even imagine. Seeing the man who assaulted one of your loved ones is more than enough to provoke a violent response.

Nassar deserves something far more severe than years in federal prison. And despite Judge Aquilina’s harsh words, Nassar’s sentencing seems like child’s play.

In this great American justice system, this punishment is not enough. Nassar should be given almost an identical treatment that he’s given to those countless and helpless victims. He deserves to be violated, harassed and humiliated.

Even though Nassar’s sentencing wasn’t quite what he deserves, there is a light at the end of this difficult tunnel. Finally, a case of unjust and despicable sexual assault has been taken seriously and the perpetrator met with consequences.

To those thousands of strong and beautiful voices of the #MeToo movement, rejoice. We can count this as a win ladies.

Contact the writer: [email protected]

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